A cleeved flanker but all three sacred vessels to the Earth Goddess are standing
If John Lennon had written an extra line to All You Need Is Love, it might have gone something like: All you need is two flankers and a recumbent, da da da da da, as that is all you need. The ultimate megalithic design icon.
This place takes away every fear and every hope that I posess. Each spot, each angle of view leads into the sacred geometry. I could lose myself here.
The RSC stands on a platform overlooked by Dunnideer to the East, Tap O'Noth to the West and the stupendous bank of Christs Kirk to the South (not visible through the trees nowadays). The site is easily accessed from the lane and has a charming wooden gate entry point at the top and bottom of the enclosure. This is truely faerie land. The circle is vast but ransacked throughout. Only the recumbent altar remains standing. Huge piles of boulders little the rest of the site. You are secluded here, but overlook a vast view to the North. This has the best of everything.
Dunnideer from the circle.
The recumbent is not actually a recumbent at all. It is standing on its side. It is more like a an upright disc - a lens.
Extraordinary heavy metal circle near Aberdeen Dyce airport. One of the finest, most complete monuments of its kind. The growing urbanisation surrounding it cannot hold this druidic temple back.