This is the REVEAL. Where stone erupts from earth, making a stairway to the sky (thanks Barbara Streisand and Barry Gibb for those words - I'm Guilty)
The Nine Staines is a famous circle - excavated by Coles in 1904 (see photos at bottom)
Located in a small clearing in a managed pine forest, Nine Staines / Mulloch Wood / Garrol (these alternative names can get confusing - at least I ticked off two circles in one) occupies a special place in recumbent folk lore, as the setting of the altar stone is some way inside the flattened circle formed by the ring stones and was originally flanked not only by two pillars but a kerbstone lined cairn.
A Faerie ring if ever there was one....
The recumbent is large and has a flat face; which could be a result of blasting or of perfectionist neolithics.
We will end today with some poetry, but first, I thought I'd add in some archive photos of the archaeologist Coles excavating this site in 1904. See how the left flanker is upright, but only just. It's incredible that the shape of these stones has not altered in the last 113 years, nor in the last 1013 years, nor especially in the last 10,000, 100,000 or 1,000,000 years.
I am short of breath; impatient with this (i) slow, (ii) weak, (iii) puffing, (iv) urinating, (v) spittle forming, (vi) clumsy, (vii) inadequate, (viii) angry, (ix) distressed body. I ask the circle for relief. To be free of these bodily strains.
These concerns wash away in the presence of magic. The moment is fleeting. What is the secret? ACTION.
Can these stone circles help focus attention away from trivial and bodily pressures?
And finally ...
Only 10 metres from the circle, a flat sided boulder, not mentioned in any notes from excavations. Would this have been here since time immemorial? Seems too close to the circle for it not to have played some part. The stones around here continue to fascinate me.
Extraordinary heavy metal circle near Aberdeen Dyce airport. One of the finest, most complete monuments of its kind. The growing urbanisation surrounding it cannot hold this druidic temple back.