One last push on my last day in Aberdeenshire. Oh, it's not a push; it's a pull! It's what I adore doing. Get up, make sandwiches, drive, get map out, find stone circle, take photos, write notes, beam with a grim that stretches from ear to ear. What a trip!
Arrived through Forestry Commission land; the final leg of which I was squeezed between densely planted pines, not realising there was an easy route on the other side of the wood!
Recumbent and two flankers are all in situ.
A well preserved "local" circle, with good access. Wide central ring cairn with what look like Trig Lines pointing into the centre. We face a nook in the vast forested hillside to the South. The horizon perfectly framed by the flankers. The midday sun caught between them. No coincidence. Beautiful.
Most of the stones are present.
Extraordinary heavy metal circle near Aberdeen Dyce airport. One of the finest, most complete monuments of its kind. The growing urbanisation surrounding it cannot hold this druidic temple back.