The gigantic 2.5m tall recumbent is all that is left standing at Braehead
Grade zero point one bouldering skills are needed to ascend this vast monster of a stone, the sole survivor of many years of robbing and stone breaking at this sacred site. Alone, conspicuous in its perimeter fence, and far from prying eyes, this stone has witnessed millenia of human history and weathered the ice of five thousand winters and the scorching sunlight of five thousand summers.
The flatness is absolutely intentional. It occurs too often to be coincidence, or a facet of broken ruptured granite. Sure, yes, in some cases the stones have split down the middle I don't deny, but many other stones have been shaped with one flat face, usually facing outwards from the circle.
Flat faced, the recumbent is of the same mould as Loanend and Stonehead, a LENS. The flatness is astonishing.
The quintessential shape of the Dunnideer recumbent family.
The stone was not easily reached and my head was clouded with anxieties when I reached this spot. Were will my lenses be back in London? In my mind only? Or can I practice the divination of the ordinary?
Extraordinary heavy metal circle near Aberdeen Dyce airport. One of the finest, most complete monuments of its kind. The growing urbanisation surrounding it cannot hold this druidic temple back.