With sunset only an hour away, I decide to drive West from the car at Hatton of Ardoyne and head for Rhynie and Tap O'Noth. I have no idea how long it will take to ascend, but will give it a go!
Tap O'Noth dominates the Northern side of the Correen Hills
I won't say much about the Hillfort, as all I know is that there was one, and it utilised vitrified stone, the same as Dunnideer (when the stone was literally melted together with some sort of molten ore bonding agent). The walk up was strenuous, not just due to the gradient or the mushy footpath, but the weight of my coat and rucksack. I was also walking against the clock to hit the summit before sunset. I know I'd get to the top, and had the photo opp to honour..
Trig point at summit
20 photograph, 360 degree panoramic collage
I'd love to have sat down and taken in the view, but truth be told I was anxious to make my descent before nightfall and the route down was slippery. I got my photos, and made my way back down, taking in the view when I wasn't looking where my feet were going.
Extraordinary heavy metal circle near Aberdeen Dyce airport. One of the finest, most complete monuments of its kind. The growing urbanisation surrounding it cannot hold this druidic temple back.