There is an extraordinary wealth of ancient Pictish symbol stones in Aberdeenshire. Below are those I have visited and photographed.
The Picardy Stone, near Insch
Logie Elphinstone 1 (Logie Country House)
Logie Elphinstone 2 (Logie Country House)
Logie Elphinstone 3 (Logie Country House)
Logie Elphinstone 4 (Migvie Church)
Brandsbutt Stone (Inverurie)
Rhynie 1, Rhynie
Rhynie 2, Rhynie
Rhynie 3
Migvie Cross, Migvie Church
Migvie Cross horserider (back)
I will write more about these stones once I have read "The Art of the Picts", a generous leaving gift from the British Museum. What I can say now is that these carvings (classified by their period and style; all bar the Migvie Cross below are Class I, from the earliet period, and are generally incised stone menhirs (standing stones) which might well be sacred megaliths from ancient stone circles, or standing stones. That a culture so distant from the neolithic (upwards of 1,000 years) carved their own sacred art onto sacred stones from another era, adds a further layer of mystery and profound possibility to the use of the stones in ritual and culture.
Extraordinary heavy metal circle near Aberdeen Dyce airport. One of the finest, most complete monuments of its kind. The growing urbanisation surrounding it cannot hold this druidic temple back.