Hobbled up to this RSC with increasing pain in knee. I enter a pine forest which my OS map tells me leads to the circle. A beaten path curves through the snow and the circle appears.
This is a fine circle. The views are lost amidst the forest glade. No doubt there are far ranging views to the South, this being only one mile from Old Keig. The land has recently been developed for "Natural Burials" and a separate vehicle entrance twists off the lane 100m up. Nobody is here. Only one set of footsteps cross through the circle.
The flankers caught my attention this time. Shaped like they were split from a single block by some otherwordly power. Then the supine recumbent, lolling, rounded, pretty, was hauled in between them (from the valley in all likelihood, a crippling task which puts my bad knee into perspective) like the womb or the body itself between the twin towers of potentially opposing forces.
The circle is unusual in that it still has a central cist with square slab. This would have been where burial deposits were placed. In excavations, burnt bone has been found, indicating a ritual rather than sepulchral function.
THAT will be the most boring photo I upload in this blog - honest. So here's the awesome recumbent again, from behind.
The scene of magic distant past.
Extraordinary heavy metal circle near Aberdeen Dyce airport. One of the finest, most complete monuments of its kind. The growing urbanisation surrounding it cannot hold this druidic temple back.