Castle Fraser / Balgorkar

A neolithic island oasis in the middle of a ploughed field. Out of reach of the NT.

25th February PM - A more perfect, life-affirming experience than a sunny afternoon at Castle Fraser RSC I cannot image.  I'd already seen three circles this morning, and was truthfully on my way home, but my descent down from the moor revealed the jewel in Scotland's lost crown. I arrive under a sprinking of rain jewels like some visiting Pharaoh; a rainbow appears; the sun shines brightly from the South West, in alignment with the recumbent altar.

Almost all 12 stones survive but many are fallen. Surely a restoration is not unthinkable?

Elated with my fortune, I lay on the recumbent - a six foot drop to the rear owing to the ring's elevated henge construction. Crows bleated and the wind whistled like the beginning of Pink Floyd's A Pillow Of Winds. That's it! I'll put my headphones on and Floyd out on the recumbent! After Pillow - that sweetest of soliloquies to nature - on comes Atom Heart Mother. Looking up at the blue sky, vulnerable, blind-sighted to what's below, deaf; I sensed I could be sacrificed here. People could come quietly from inside the circle and slit my wrists. This reminds me of a recurring dream where I am being prepared for surgey; tricked into attending the hospital and finding myself beyond the point of no return, needle about to enter the vein leading to my submission from control.

I imagine the circle at night, torchlit and running red with blood. An honourable sacrifice. A brave, wise adult who is prepared to end his or her journey on earth and depart for the heavens in the interests of continued fortune for their tribe. Or maybe not. 

As I sit up, I cast an extraordinary shadow into the circle. Yes, without doubt this is the finest shadow I have cast IN MY LIFE!!

The sun casts a shadow of the flankers, the recumbent and me. I am caught between wolf fangs, tooth shaped myself in my bobble hat. The scene is stone cold "drude".

I get my sketchpad out. Bugger, no drawing pen; this is gonna suck balls. How impatient I am! For what? What awaits? Dinner? Back before dark? The sunset is the best time to be here. Like Bill said, stay for longer than your impulse directs. I draw.

Castle Fraser, bad dudes and druids

Castle Fraser, bad dudes and druids

Before I left, I walked around the circle surveying each stone. Several had fallen but were intact. A miracle. I found a gap; there should be one here. I kicked at the soft turf. YES! My foot skidded across flat stone. I kicked more and more, gradually uncovering a six foot dragon's tooth of a stone, ready to be re-erected by a few keen stone worshippers.

I then made a life-affirming decision. I WANT TO RESTORE ANCIENT MONUMENTS.