A dignified group of standing stones hold a perpetual vigil to the dying giant recumbent.
At Ardlair, the recumbent has remained upright despite attempts being taken on its life with a storm of voilent assaults; some from lightening strikes no doubt. The disc has unusually sharp edges and an uneven profile. One could surmise that the natural fissures of the stone were exploited by whatever weapon was wielded - nature with its bolts; man with his machinery.
As I sit eating my daily tuna sandwiches, a military jet thunders overhead at extreme speed in the direction of Tap O'Noth. It makes it in seconds and then rears vertically into the dark blue heavens, a gut wrenching manoeuvre that seems to symbolise the devastating accuracy of man's harness on natural energies. That said, these colossal stones could not have been erected without similar mastery of natural energies (momentum, leverage, friction)
The recumbent in profile. Due to wanton destruction, it lacks the foreboding roundness of its stone disc cousins in nearby fields, but retains grandeur and dignity.
Extraordinary heavy metal circle near Aberdeen Dyce airport. One of the finest, most complete monuments of its kind. The growing urbanisation surrounding it cannot hold this druidic temple back.